Land the best candidates in BioTech

"Is there a shortage of talent? Or are you missing the boat?"

It is no surprise that finding talent is tough, especially when you need multiple roles filled within your organization. Hiring them is just the beginning, but retaining talent has become more complex than ever. With thousands of job openings posted every day, employees are presented with new opportunities that may infringe on their loyalty to their current employer.   

The easy solution that many organizations are currently reverting to is to beat competitors' salaries with better compensation. In some circumstances, this is working, but it is only a band-aid in the long term effort to attract and retain the top talent in the market. If paying more is not an option for your business, you have no choice but to consider alternative options that can separate you from the pack. That starts with a killer hiring process.

Tips and advice on hiring the best people for your team.

  • Why should a candidate pick your job post over a competitor? Active outreach is the new job posting. A recruiter that can effectively sell your company and opportunity is a must. A good recruiter will find a higher quantity of qualified candidates through selling the company and the opportunity and not just send a job description to read through.

  • Act Fast - Define fast: work in days, not weeks. Candidates are getting multiple calls per day with new opportunities. While you are working on scheduling a second step in the interview process, another company offers on the spot. Candidates value a hiring manager who makes quick decisions and gives immediate positive or negative feedback. Prospective employees will have the most interest in your role immediately after the interview. As time passes, their level of interest begins to dwindle.   

  • Be ready to sell. As a hiring manager, as much as the candidate is selling themselves, you need to be selling to them. Bring in a valued employee into the interview, let the candidate speak with them, and ask them questions about what they like about the company how the employee has grown in their role.

  • If this is an in-person role, consider an onsite or interactive virtual interview. The more you can show the candidate and get them involved, the greater the chance they will accept an offer.

  • A well-written, well-planned interview process that can be sent to the candidate is a slight touch that goes a long way. One of Harba's clients does this very well, and it is a true differentiator that has positively affected hiring. The candidate feels valued, and it sets the tone that your company is serious about hiring.

Tips and advice on retaining people.

  • The first 30 minutes on the job is the most critical time in starting to retain your employees. Statistics show that people decide if this is their career or position in the first minutes when they walk in on their first day. 

  • Promote, Promote, Promote. An employee wants growth and progression, it is possible, and you can still maintain your internal equity. Promotions come in many shapes, sizes, and in layers. Find ways to recognize positive behaviors early. Pay raises aren't always necessary and with Human Resources approval, offer title changes. Even if it is small, it goes a long way and is appreciated. 

  • Provide plenty of training opportunities. Not only is this the demand of today's candidates, but it also provides a path for your employees to navigate and can be coupled with promotions. Today's candidates want to develop throughout their careers, and offering training prevents stagnation, a win-win for employee and employer.

  • All information and insight are pulled from my career of working with thousands of companies and placing over 10,000 science and engineering professionals. My team at Harba sees first hand which companies are leading the way in hiring and retaining top talent. It is our responsibility and duty to inform our partnered clients of a full view of the market. When our clients win, we win!

If you’d like advice on your scientific hiring strategies, please don’t hesitate to give us a call 617-475-5221.

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12th October
